Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Exhibition Walk-Thru with Jennifer Owen

This past Saturday, a captivated crowd gathered at Hui No‘eau to hear ceramic artist Jennifer Owen speak about the impressive body of work included in her current retrospective exhibit, from her salt firing techniques to her unforgettable teachers to working with maquettes. As she guided the group in a walk through of the Hui galleries, Jennifer's enthusiasm for and dedication to her craft shone through her engaging stories as she divulged secrets about her process and the pieces representing a lifetime of experimentation in different series. (Did you know the hale highlighted on the title wall, "Mambo", is usually appropriated for outgoing mail?)

Visit this free exhibition through next Friday (May 4th) at Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center: 2841 Baldwin Avenue in Makawao. Questions? (808) 572-6560

Friday, April 20, 2012

Congrats, Art Maui!

Congratulations to these Hui teaching artists, staff & board, friends and more for being accepted into this year's ART MAUI exhibition, which closes this weekend:

Connie Adams (teaching artist, watercolor)
Kathleen Alexander (visiting artist, watercolor)
Judy Bisgard (former board member & Hui champ!)
Michael Clements (teaching artist, plein air pastel)
Bob Flint (teaching artist, ceramics)
Tim Garcia (board member)
Robert Glick (board member)
Caroline Killhour (executive director)
Terry Lopez (teaching artist, painting)
Keri Meyer (sales & event rental coordinator)
Jennifer Owen (teaching artist, ceramics & current Retrospective Exhibition artist)
JB Rea (teaching artist, jewelry)
Tony Walholm (teaching artist, oils)
Billy Welker (2012 featured Solo Artist)
Sidney Yee (2011 featured Solo Artist)

Enroll in a workshop or open studio session TODAY to meet & mingle with these shining Maui talents, and many others- summer classes online now at huinoeau.com

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hui Staff Team Up with the Empty Bowl Project

Hui staff members (L to R) Rachel Edelman, Anne-Marie Forsythe, Kelly McHugh, Birgitte Golden, Caroline Killhour, and Lana Coryell proudly pitched in to finance the ceramic bowl firing for this year's "Empty Bowl Project." Additional Hui supporters not pictured here include Carol Childerhose, Bob Flint, Jessica Hoecker, Keri Meyer, Mary Orwig, and Deb Zaleski.

A benefit for the Maui Food Bank, the Empty Bowl Project was produced on April 14th by Star Noodle and the Maui Organization for the Ceramic Arts (MOCA) as part of an international grassroots effort to help fight hunger. Events have been held across the United States and in at least a dozen other countries, raising millions of dollars for hunger-fighting organizations. During last Saturday's event, 200+ Maui-based ceramic artists created handcrafted bowls that were sold for a donation to be kept as a keepsake reminding attendees of all the "empty bowls" in the world. Representing Maui's premiere community-based ceramic program, Hui staff were proud to act as ambassadors for the event and to help position the arts as a part of this important community improvement initiative.

Join us at the Hui this Saturday at 12 pm to learn about the history of the Hui's ceramic program by one of its founding members, 2012 Retrospective Artist Jennifer Owen, who will offer a (FREE) guided tour of her critically-acclaimed ceramic art exhibition. See you at 12 noon!