On Monday, November 15, Hui No`eau hosted its 4th annual Portfolio Day. This (free) event featured admissions representatives from five leading art colleges & universities offering one-on-one consultations to those interested in pursuing a career in the visual arts. A truly critical service for Maui youth, 45 reviews were offered to students from schools including Kamehameha, Baldwin, Seabury, Maui High and Maui Prep. Classroom teachers mingled, students shared their work with one another, parents connected and college reps were unanimously impressed by the caliber of talent exhibited in the group. Our warmest Mahalo to the Art Institutes, California College of the Arts, Cornish College of the Arts, Pacific Northwest College of Art and Savannah College of Art and Design for joining us at the Hui- we hope to see you all again next year!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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